École Our Lady of the Rosary School Team 2024-25

Mrs. Andrea Gringhuis, Principal

Mr. Joel Peterman, Vice-Principal 

Mrs. Loretta Zolinski, Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kendel Jewell, Administrative Assistant

Inclusion Lead Teachers

Mrs. Tamara Neilly

Mrs. Mandy Cuellar

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Lila Tighe

Kindergarten Teachers

Mrs. Angela Fercho, English

Mrs. Janelle Gates, English

Mme. Amélie Côté, French Immersion

Grade 1 Teachers

Mrs. Jessica Cumming-Stangl, English

Miss Suzanne Ryl, English

Mme. Chantal Moroney, French Immersion (Maternity Leave)

Mme. Claudia Djonou Kenmegne, French Immersion

Grade 2 Teachers

Mrs. Sherry Delaurier, English

Mrs. Stephanie Hebert, English

Mr. Marc Robichaud, English

Mme. Kaela Masikewich, French Immersion

Grade 3 Teachers

Ms. Sherisse Gervais, English

Ms. Jan Cowie, English

M. Roderick Rivera, French Immersion

Grade 4 Teachers

Mrs. Cara Belcher, English

Miss Stephanie Cardinal, English

M. Alex Cadotte, French Immersion

School Specialists

Mrs. Mandy Cuellar, Counsellor, Inclusion Lead Teacher

Mrs. Tamara Neilly, Inclusion Lead Teacher

Mme. Chantal Moroney, Faith Coach 

Ms. Melissa Grant, Family Support Counsellor

Support Staff 

Mrs. Francine Hewson, Library Technician

Mrs. Julie Foley, Educational Assistant

Mrs. Tracy Paron, Educational Assistant

Mrs. Corinne McLean, Educational Assistant

Mrs. Carlyn Byrne, Educational Assistant

Mrs. Andrea Myhr, Educational Assistant

Miss Sofia Nielsen, Educational Assistant

Ms. Annleslie Deonila, Educational Assistant

Ms. Valerie Hermary, Educational Assistant

Mrs. Josee Boucher, Educational Assistant

Our Staff

Admin Team 2024-25

placeholder image for Andrea Gringhuis

Mrs. Andrea Gringhuis


placeholder image for Kendel Jewell

Mrs. Kendel Jewell

Admin Assistant

placeholder image for Joel Peterman

Mr. Joel Peterman


placeholder image for Loretta Zolinski

Mrs. Loretta Zolinski

Admin Assistant

Inclusion Lead Teachers

placeholder image for Mandy Cuellar

Mrs. Mandy Cuellar

placeholder image for Tamara Neilly

Mrs. Tamara Neilly

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

placeholder image for Lila Tighe

Mrs. Lila Tighe

Kindergarten Teachers

placeholder image for Amélie Côté

Mrs. Amélie Côté

French Immersion

placeholder image for Angela Fercho

Mrs. Angela Fercho

Kinder T/Th

placeholder image for Janelle Gates

Mrs. Janelle Gates

Kinder M/W