

Moving On Up Reading Program October Winner

Posted on November 7 2016

Boston Pizza in Sylvan Lake sponsors our ‘Moving On Up’ reading program.  When the students go up a level in their home reading, they submit a coupon and we have a monthly draw for a free Kids’…

Week at a Glance-November 7-11, 2016

Posted on November 4 2016

By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what us seen was not made out of things which are visible.  Hebrews 11:3     Sunday, November 6-Catholic Education Sunday-Our…

All Saint's Day Celebration

Posted on November 1 2016

How to be an Influenza Champion

Posted on October 31 2016

Our Librarian, Mrs. O'Gorman read books to classes this week regarding how to wash your hands and how to sneeze or cough into your arm in order to stop bad germs from making us get sick. Then they were…

Happy Halloween

Posted on October 31 2016

Week at a Glance-October 31-November 4, 2016

Posted on October 27 2016

     Jesus said, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” MARK 10:27 NASB           Monday, October 31-Happy Halloween-Costumes All Day! Costume…

Habit #1- -I am a Leader Awards!

Posted on October 24 2016

At École Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, we recognize student leadership.  We announce the students names at an assembly and post their certificates on our I am a Leader Bulletin Board which…

Catholic Women's League Visit EOLRS Students

Posted on October 21 2016

The lovely ladies from the Catholic Women's League spent the day with us yesterday teaching our students through song and skits all about St. Francis of Assisi. We are honored to have these lovely ladies…

Chromebooks have arrived!

Posted on October 21 2016

In February 2016, School Council was asked to raise up to $11,000 to purchase 30 Chromebooks for EOLRS students.  They immediately got to work planning fundraisers with the sole purpose of raising money…

Week at a Glance-October 24-28, 2016

Posted on October 21 2016

    He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen. Deuteronomy 10:21             Monday, October 24-8:45 a.m.-Gathering &…

Mrs. Tighe's Kindergarten Class' Fall Adventures

Posted on October 20 2016

Please see our photos below: We haveMrs. Tighe's  Kindergarten (KEB2) class learning all about Thanksgiving with their Turkey Crowns. Layla Chernawski, Rylen Hoiland and Cooper Kowalla enjoying the beautiful…

Week at a Glance-October 16-21, 2016

Posted on October 14 2016

    Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through Word of Christ. ROMANS 10:17 NIV   Sunday, October 16- 5:30 p.m.Grade 2's Sacrament of Reconciliation First Meeting at…

Project Based Learning-Miss M's Grade 2 Class

Posted on October 12 2016

Miss.McMillan's grade two class began their journey into Project Based Learning this year. They have begun by investigating three different types of communities. They looked at Urban, Rural and Suburban…

Week at a Glance-October 10-14, 2016

Posted on October 7 2016

 O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generousity to us. Thank you for the blessing of the food we eat and especially this feast day. Thank you for our home, family and friends. Thank…

Farewell Mrs. Miller & 2B Feast Day Celebration

Posted on October 6 2016

Mme. Bulger's Grade 2 French Immersion class led our Feast Day celebration this morning.  It was wonderful to hear our students share what they are thankful for. We also said farewell to Mrs. Miller…

Turkey Trot

Posted on October 6 2016

The Turkey came to share in our Thanksgiving festivities again this year, although she is getting slower and showing signs of molting. We all met her in the gym to hear some of the cheers and do a little…

Kindergarten Apple Day!

Posted on October 4 2016

Happy Apple Day! The children had a wonderful time on Apple Day!  We filled our day with apple crafts, apple counting and sorting, exploring our senses with apples and cinnamon, and we read some amazing…