Week at a Glance-October 10-14, 2016

O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generousity to us. Thank you for the blessing of the food we eat and especially this feast day. Thank you for our home, family and friends. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son, Amen.
Monday, October 10-No School-Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, October 11-10:30 a.m.-Kindergarten & Grade 2-Fire Safety Presentation at the Alliance Church
Tuesday, October 11-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 1
Tuesday, October 11-8:45 a.m.-School Council Budget Meeting
Wednesday, October 12-10:30 a.m.-Kindergarten & Grade 1-Fire Safety Presentation at the Alliance Church
Wednesday, October 12-12:00-12:30 p.m.-Choir-Grades 1 & 2- Mme. Frolick's classroom
Wednesday, October 12-School Photos All Grades
Thursday, October 13-School Photos-Kindergarten T/Th and any missed students
Thursday, October 13-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 2
Friday, October 14-9:00-12:00-FNMI Presentation-Courage
Friday, October 14- Soccer Intramurals-Grade 2
Friday, October 14-Milk/Hot Lunch Program-Cut off for ordering for October