Turkey Trot

The Turkey came to share in our Thanksgiving festivities again this year, although she is getting slower and showing signs of molting.
We all met her in the gym to hear some of the cheers and do a little shaking of the drumsticks, thighs, tail and wing feathers and other barnyard songs!
The “flight path” was out the gym door and then around the farm yard (playground) and the far off farmer’s field ( soccer field). Our chicks were very careful around the black dirt (also called the pavement of our ‘farm yard’) and we can report no stumbles in that year!
Farmer Diane did a wonderful job keeping track of her flock! We all returned our roosts on time, tidied up the coop, and released the flock for the day but not before sharing some "feed" of pumpkin pies, turkeys and other farm themed items!
We are thankful to a great photographer student from 2M who took these photos for us!