Week at a Glance November 28-December 2, 2016

All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.
Mark 11:24 NASB
Monday, November 28-1:15 p.m.-Celebration-1st Week of Advent- Led by 1GE
Monday, November 28-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 1
Tuesday, November 29-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 1
Wednesday, November 30-Father Les Visits EOLRS-In the afternoon
Wednesday, November 30-Noon-Choir Practice- Mme. Frolick’s classroom
Thursday, December 1- 8:45 a.m.-School Council Decorating the School
Thursday, December 1-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 2
Thursday, December 1-Father Les Visits EOLRS-In the afternoon
Friday, December 2-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 2
- Friday, December 2-Report Cards go home-Grade 1 & 2
Please fill out this survey about School Council
Volunteers needed for upcoming events please sign up!
***Keep bringing in those amazing White Elephant sale items to the office until December 12th
***Save the Date-EOLRS Advent Concert is Wednesday, December 21 at 6:30 p.m. at EMTS.
“Rooted, Nourished and Growing”
“S’ancrer, se nourrir et s’épanouir”