Week at a Glance December 5-9, 2016

Lord, Be with us in our school community as we prepare for your arrival. As we journey together over this Advent season, ready our hearts and minds to celebrate the coming of Our Saviour. Grant us the patience that you gave to Mary and Joseph who also eagerly awaited your coming. Bestow on us the awareness that you gave to the shepherds to recognize your magnificence. And let us as we wait and then rejoice in your coming. We journey with you in faith. Be with us as we wait and then rejoice in your coming. We ask this in your name. Amen
- Monday, December 5-1:15 p.m.-Celebration-2nd Week of Advent- Led by 2M
- Tuesday, December 6-8:45 a.m.-School Council Meeting-Staffroom
- Tuesday, December 6- 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m-Pre-K Family Session- Advent
- Tuesday, December 6- 10:00 a.m.- Sylvan Lake Lodge- Miss McMillan's Grade 2 class
- Tuesday, December 6-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 1
- Wednesday, December 7-Noon-Choir Practice- Mme. Frolick’s classroom
- Thursday, December 8-10:00 a.m.- Sylvan Lake Lodge- Mme. Glynn's Grade 1 class
- Thursday, December 8-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 2
- Friday, December 9-Noon- Basketball Intramurals- Grade 2
- Friday, December 9-Booster Juice Hot Lunch
- Friday, December 9- 5:30-7:00 p.m.-Family Dance-EOLRS School Gym
Volunteers still needed for White Elephant Sale, Family Dance & Hot Chocolate Making please sign up!
***Keep bringing in those amazing White Elephant sale items to the office until December 12th
***Save the Date-EOLRS Advent Concert is Wednesday, December 21 at 6:30 p.m. at EMTS.
***Access to registration opens for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten on December 21, 2016 and Submission begins January 9th
“Rooted, Nourished and Growing”
“S’ancrer, se nourrir et s’épanouir”