Archbishop Smith's Christmas Message to Catholic School's

Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families
may become schools of mercy,
where the sting of condemnation
is replaced with the tenderness of forgiveness.
Joseph, husband and father,
grant that all men
see in women and children
the dignity that is theirs, revealed in the light of Christ;
may they become heralds of kindness, virtue, and hope.
Mary, mother of God,
bless our mothers and sisters;
may they respond to Your Son’s call
to serve, protect and cherish all creation;
help them to be beacons of charity, life, and love.
Jesus, Hope for all creation,
friend to the poor, the sick
the lonely, the foreigner and prisoner,
teach us to respect all human life,
at each stage and in every circumstance;
Jesus, Light of the world,
may our families,
from generation to generation,
be schools of communion and love.
Through them, may the world know of Your peace.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
hear our prayer.
Merry Christmas!
Most Reverend Richard W. Smith
Archbishop of Edmonton