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Week at A Glance March 27 - April 7, 2017

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." Colossians 3:17
- Friday, March 24 - NO SCHOOL - Lieu Day
- Monday, April 3-Noon-Extra Choir Practice-Mme. Frolick’s classroom
- Tuesday, April 4-1:30 p.m.-School Council Meeting in the Staff Room
- Wednesday, April 5-1:20 p.m.-Mrs. Tighe’s class visits Pathways Vet Clinic
- Wednesday, April 5-6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.-Spring Choir Concert in the Gathering Area
- Friday, April 7-10:00 a.m.-Kindergarten Easter Bonnet Parade Sylvan Lake Lodge and Bethany Sylvan Lake
****Reminder: Last Day to order May Milk or Hot Lunches is April 17
“Rooted, Nourished and Growing” “S’ancrer, se nourrir et s’épanouir”