Library Classes Have Started

Library classes began this week. Our PreK and Kindergarten students had the opportunity to hear Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons read by none other than, Penelope, Pete the Cat's sister. Students were laughing and singing along as Mrs. O'Gorman and Mrs. Spotter read and sang the book.
Grades one to three students received a library bag, which is the "home" for their library books. Our PreK and Kindergarten students will receive their library bags shortly. Students are asked to keep their library books in their bag whenever they are not being read. They were also asked to talk to parents or guardians about finding a safe place to keep their library bag at home.
Teachers will be sending information home about home reading books and library times. As we start to develop new library routines, please help your child remember to bring their library books to school on the day they have library.