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Important Dates

We are very excited about seeing our students next week! Please make note of the upcoming important dates and contact the office if you have any questions (403-343-2568).

PreK Parent Information Session

Tuesday, August 28

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

École Our Lady of the Rosary School

You will receive your child's staggered entry day and time during this session


Meet the Staff

Grades One to Three

Wednesday, August 29

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

École Our Lady of the Rosary School

Please drop by with your child's school supplies to meet your child's teacher and our other amazing staff.


Kindergarten Staggered Entry

Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten Students

Thursday, August 30

Please attend during your assigned staggered entry time (provided in Kindergarten packages that were picked up in June)

Wednesday/Friday Kindergarten Students

Friday, August 31

Please attend during your assigned staggered entry time (provided in Kindergarten packages that were picked up in June)


First Day of Classes

Grades One to Three

August 30, 2018


Second Day of Classes

Grades One to Three

August 31, 2018


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