Nature Club's February Edition

Did you know that our animals are getting sick and hurt from garbage and bottles all over the world that go in the ocean? We want to help our animals.
Hint of the Month
Put your bottles and cans in the recycle bins, not in the garbage. If you put it in the garbage it might end up in the ocean or eaten by wildlife. Clean up your neighbour's garbage. Use reusable bags for when you go shopping because when you use plastic bags they can end up in many places, such as oceans, parks, landfills and lakes which can harm animals.
--submitted by Gracelynn S. in M Rivera's Grade Three French Immersion class
Did you know oceans are getting really dirty and when it gets really dirty it can harm all sea animals? We don't want that to happen!
Hint of the Month
Use reusable bags for when you go to the store cause when you use plastic bags that can end up in many places such as oceans, parks, landfills, lakes, which can harm animals.
--submitted by Sayla M. in M Rivera's Grade Three French Immersion class