Radon Testing Report

Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools, in partnership with Radon Care, tested all facilities earlier last school year to determine levels of radon gas using "Alpha Track Detectors" and were placed in most rooms for 90-100 days.
Radon gas is a naturally occurring colourless, tasteless and odorless soil gas, which occurs from the decay of uranium in soils and rocks. Radon is diluted in outdoor air but can potentially accumulate in buildings through structural entry points, such as cracks in concrete foundations to high levels.
Health Canada recommends action for any occupied buildings with levels of radon at or above 200 Bq/m³. We are pleased to let you know that all the rooms have been tested and are below the Health Canada Guidelines. The results and full report can be viewed by clicking here.
For further information please visit, https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/radon.html