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Week at A Glance March 13-March 17, 2017
Be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8
- Sunday, March 12-Please Remember to change your clocks one hour ahead for Daylight Savings
- Monday, March 13-1:15 p.m.-Celebration-2nd Week of Lent-Led by Mrs. Sopracolle’s class
- Monday, March 13-4:30-5:30 p.m.-Pre-K Show Your Colours Family Session at the Community Center. Please pre-register with your child’s teacher
- Monday, March 13-Noon-Intramurals-Handball Teams 1,2,3,4-Grade 1
- Tuesday, March 13-1:15 p.m. Ms. McMillan’s class-Sobeys Field Trip
- Tuesday, March 14-Noon-Intramurals-Handball Teams 5,6,7,8-Grade 1
- Wednesday, March 15-9:00 a.m.-Lenten Mass at Our Lady of Assumption Parish
- Wednesday, March 15-12:30 p.m. (busses leave)-Beauty & the Beast Musical Theater Performance at École Mother Teresa School-1:00 p.m. start
- Thursday, March 16-10:00 a.m.-Mrs. Gates’s class visiting Sylvan Lake Lodge
- Thursday, March 16-Noon-Intramurals-Handball Teams 1,2,3,4-Grade 2
- Friday, March 17-St. Patrick’s Day-Please wear something green
- Friday, March 17-Report cards go home
- Friday, March 17-Noon-Intramurals-Handball Teams 5,6,7,8-Grade 2
- Friday, March 17-Booster Juice Hot Lunch
- Friday, March 17-4:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.-Irish Stew Supper at Our Lady of Assumption Hall
****Reminder: Last Day to order April Milk or Hot Lunches is March 17