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Week At A Glance October 23 - 27
Week at A Glance October 23-27, 2017
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
Corinthians 10:26 NASB
- Monday, October 23 - Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten students attend school
- Monday, October 23 - 8:45 a.m. - School Council Meeting in the staff room
- Tuesday, October 24 - 12:05 p.m. - Choir practice
- Wednesday, October 25 - 12:05 p.m. - Soccer Intramurals for Miss. Eleniak’s and Mrs. Stewart’s classes
- Thursday, October 26 - 10:20 a.m. - Rosary Recess in the Gathering Area
- Thursday, October 26 - 10:30 a.m. - Mlle Bulger’s class visiting Bethany Buddies
- Thursday, October 26 - 12:05 p.m. - Soccer Intramurals for Mlle Bulger and Mrs. Delaurier’s classes
- Friday, October 27 - 12:05 p.m. - Soccer Intramurals for Mrs. Belcher and Ms. Cowie’s classes
- Friday, October 27 - Booster Juice Hot Lunch
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