Week at a Glance-October 24-28, 2016
He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen. Deuteronomy 10:21
Monday, October 24-8:45 a.m.-Gathering & I am a Leader Awards Habit #1-Led by Miss McMillan’s Grade 2 class
Monday, October 24-Book Parent/Teacher Interviews at-https://olr.schoolappointments.com
Monday, October 24-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 1
Tuesday, October 25- 10:30 a.m.-Bethany Buddies- Miss Kinsella’s Grade 1 class
Tuesday, October 25-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 1
Wednesday, October 26-12:00 p.m.-Choir Practice- grade 1 & 2's in Mme. Frolick's classroom
Thursday, October 27-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 2
Friday, October 28- NO SCHOOL-Professional Development Day for Teachers
Friday, October 28- November Milk and November Hot lunch orders are due https://olr.hotlunches.net
“Rooted, Nourished and Growing”
“S’ancrer, se nourrir et s’épanouir”